Acquition executive report part a internal management template

Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES) Report is the principal mechanism for tracking programs between milestone reviews. A DAES report is provided by the Program Manager (PM) of a Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP) to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) each calendar month and a quarter. The information in the DAES is designed to provide early-warning reporting to the USD(AT&L) and Assistant Secretary of Defense (ASD)(NII). The information describes actual and potential program problems and describes mitigating actions taken or planned.

Monthly Report

The DAES provides program status, an issues summary, a risk summary, program costs and performance, and interrelationships, dependencies and synchronization with complementary systems. It also provides specific reporting against cost, schedule, performance, funding, and life-cycle sustainment indicators, according to a defined set of criteria for each rating. At a minimum, the DAES must report program assessments, unit costs (10 U.S.C. 2433), current estimates of current Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) parameters and status of exit criteria.

Quarterly Reporting

In addition to the monthly reporting criteria listed above, the quarterly report provides programmatic information that includes:

Report Submission

Program Managers (PM) will use their Component Acquisition Management Systems (AIM, SMART, and Dashboard) to prepare the quarterly DAES information for electronic transfer via web services to Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (DAMIR) by the last working day of the month minus one day for Acquisition Category (ACAT) I programs, and by the last working day of the month for ACAT IA programs. The supplemental DAES charts (for MDAPs) will be prepared using the MS PowerPoint templates, and the PM assessments (for MAIS) will use PowerPoint, Word, or PDF until the requirements can be completed online within the Component Acquisition Management systems, at which time future PowerPoint submissions will be eliminated. The slides are currently loaded into DAMIR under Supporting Documentation and can be viewed in Purview within the DAES/Web Services view, in the Supporting Documentation data section. [1]

Visit: Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval (DAMIR) System

Defense Acquisition Executive Summary (DAES) Content

The content of a DAES submission is dependent on where a program is in the Acquisition lifecycle. Detailed instructions on what is required in each section can be found in the Defense Acquisition Management Information Retrieval system. Below for a summary of the required information. [1]

AcqLinks and References: